What is the I Wish Alumnae Circle?
The key for I Wish is to create a sense of community among girls in STEM and especially to leverage the momentum from the girls who were previous attendees at I Wish who are willing to play their part and "pay it back" as they attend university and start work. I Wish would like to maintain a connection with these girls. We have now developed an Alumnae Circle to develop the long-term goals of I Wish with the help from the girls that attended I Wish events and are now on their own STEM journey through college and on into industry.

The I Wish Alumnae Circle offers many ways to stay in touch.
- Attend our alumnae and student events to connect with old friends and new.
- Become a mentor and share your knowledge and experience.
- Get involved with our I Wish Showcase Events.
- Keep in touch via Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn and let us know how you’re doing today!
The I Wish Alumnae Circle is a network of dreamers and doers
Meeting the WiSTEM society in UCC was like getting that feeling I felt when I walked into city hall 2 years ago. I feel like I belong and people will believe I can do engineering even though I’m a girl, I feel encouraged again like I did in the first place when I went to I Wish even though everyone kept trying to tell me I wouldn’t be good enough because I am a girl but after listening to how successful these women were at I Wish I wanted to prove them all wrong”
First Year College Student UCC- I Wish Alumna
I went to I Wish when I was in 4th year, I went to the I Wish Campus Week in CIT, I spoke on the Alumnae Panel at the I Wish event in City Hall representing WISTEM CIT and after that I am set on engineering ”
Kate Brady, WISTEM CIT – I Wish Alumna
The I Wish Alumnae Circle is taking on 21st-century challenges like climate change, poverty, and disease. They are working on the front lines of innovation and leading innovative global companies. Their commitment to shaping the future does not just end with their professional work, The I Wish Alumnae Circle makes an impact on the future through their connections to other I Wish Alumni. As volunteers, advocates, and role models they play a vital role in the I Wish mission to educate the next generation of leaders.
Join the I Wish Alumnae Circle Now
Network Registration
I Wish 2020 Alumnae Panel
Check out our Alumnae Panel from I Wish 2020 here
I Wish & Park Place Externship Programme
Amy Dolan of UCC and Emma Brennan of CIT were fortunate to win the I Wish Park Place technologies externship to Cleveland Ohio in August 2019.
I was lucky enough to take part in the Park Place Technologies I Wish Alumnae externship which has really sparked my passion for encouraging young women to study STEM “ Amy Dolan UCC & I Wish Alumna
For as long as I remember I was interested in STEM, getting the opportunity to go on the I Wish Park Place externship just confirmed for me that I want to pursue a STEM career” Emma Brennan CIT & I Wish Alumna